About us

Porosit-Betonwerke GmbH

Long-term experience

We have been producing concrete filter pipes for over 100 years and are constantly developing them further. Today, Porosit stands for versatile and sophisticated product systems with proven long-term reliability.

Special solutions

Every case needs its own special and customized solution. And only the right connectors make a solution perfect. This is especially true when connecting to other materials and pipes. There are accessories for Porosit products for all detailed problems.


We have the know-how especially for difficult drainage and infiltration tasks such as for large structures in contact with the ground, bridges, road or railroad construction, large installation depths, low overfills or extreme loads. We will be happy to advise you. Simply give us a call or request our planning documents!

Quality monitoring

Porosit systems meet the standards and requirements and are constantly checked, both by external and internal monitoring. The independent Güteschutz für Beton- und Fertigteilwerke e.V. tests drainage stones in accordance with DIN 4095 and pipes in accordance with DIN 4262, Part 3. Self-monitoring concerns both the finished product and the raw materials, the production process and criteria such as employee training. Monitoring therefore includes all the essential features of a quality management system. For our customers, the name Porosit therefore means security.

Leading today

Today, Porosit is the leading brand for concrete infiltration products. The basis of this success is the porous concrete from which Porosit products are made. However, the ongoing further development and optimization of the systems is also important. Our special extra service is that we provide the products with our comprehensive know-how on permanent drainage and infiltration.